Blog The Tofino Guide

The Wild Inside: Why do we love storm watching so much?

In many people’s minds, the word “vacation” carries with it an internal gallery of visuals: sunsets, palm trees, azure water, w...

All the Things We Missed Part II

Well, there you have it. The long slow, receding days of Spring have aligned with COVID-19’s death rattle. With what appears to...

The Ucluelet Files: Wild Pacific Trail

For those in the know, the west coast means more than merely Tofino. Our neighbours in the rugged hamlet of Ucluelet have long ...

Sense of Adventure; How Will We Find Renewal in 2021?

When the Storm Breaks. When the Bubble Pops. With the passing of 2020, we stand on the edge of a new awakening. No, not in som...

My First Time: Dion Olin

Welcome to the second in a series covering first time experiences in our town. Dion Olin is the mother of Tofino Resort + Marin...

My First Time

You hear it a lot these days: “Tofino used to be different.” It was, kind of. And I was there, kind of. The year was 1994 and m...

West Coast and Chill: The most laidback ways to experience Tofino

If you’re like the rest of British Columbia, the coast has been calling. As we transition into the shoulder season, true Tofino...

Essentials for a Summer Day; A Tofino Gift Guide

During the long, lazy days of summer, even a busier-than-usual Tofino kicks up their feet in style. The vibe goes from local su...

Inside the True Kyler Vos Gallery

Unless you own a big sturdy boat or an aircraft, Port Alberni is the unofficial gateway to the west coast. This logging and fis...

A Time To Reflect: Enjoying Beer + Music While Tofino is on Hold

Last October, the world was a little simpler. We lived our adventures out with purpose and passion in Tofino with little worrie...

A Quick and Dirty Tofino Guide for B.C. Residents

In the spirit of our recent B.C. residents promotion (10-20% off rooms) found here, we felt it was necessary to create a quick-...

Tofino 2019: A Year in Review

As the year comes to an end and we look forward to the year 2020 (like, woah), the team at Tofino Resort + Marina wants to play...

The Captain and the Cartographer: A Tofino History Lesson

A history of Tofino’s strange name, and the rad people who called it home first Where did Tofino get its unique name? It’s a...

Trip Report: Hot Springs in Tofino

To reach the hallowed and hot water of Clayoquot Sound’s famous natural springs, you need to first get there, and that’s one of...

The Half-Ass Tofino Guide to Beaches

Last month, we asked Tofitian and Olympic Hopeful Mathea Olin to rank Tofino beaches in order. This month, we explore the good,...

The Tofino Guide to Choosing a Wedding Photographer

Unless you've been married before, choosing a wedding photographer can seem like a daunting process. We reached out to Tofino b...

The Tofino Guide to Bear Watching

We are spoiled. Those of us who grew up in the rich wilds of Vancouver Island see black bears in their natural habitat all ...

The Tofino Guide to Weddings

The Good News Tofino is perfectly set up for destination weddings. With its white sandy beaches, incredible restaurants, opp...

An Ode to The Tofino Beach Picnic

The beach picnic is a time-honoured tradition. There’s just something about curating the perfect mix of good food, frosty bever...