Q&A Session with Captain Dave

Meet Captain Dave, our dedicated head Wildlife Guide at Tofino Resort and Marina. With seven years of experience guiding tours in Tofino and Clayoquot Sound, Dave’s passion for the area’s natural beauty and wildlife is truly inspiring. Join us as we explore his deep connection with the coast and its incredible ecosystem.

How long have you been guiding for?

I’ve been guiding wildlife-based tours in Tofino and Clayoquot Sound for seven years now. Guiding here is a constant adventure, and I look forward to many more years of sharing the beauty of the coast with others.

How did you end up in Tofino?

My dad was a pilot in the area during the 70s, and his stories of a small coastal town teeming with wildlife, the vast open ocean, and the fracture Id inlet coast inspired me to visit. Plus, when my best friend made the move from Whistler to Tofino, it felt like the perfect opportunity to explore the area. So, I decided to make the move to Tofino, and I haven’t looked back since.

What boat is your favourite apart of the fleet and why?

Both Whiteraven and Reel Season are my favourite vessels of the TRM fleet. Whiteraven always keeps me on my toes, presenting new challenges as a boat often. Where Reel Season, on the other hand, is a favourite because it holds sentimental value for our marina. Both boats have a special place in my heart for different reasons.

What is your favourite trip to guide?

My favourite tour to guide is the Winter Wildlife Nature Tour. During the winter months, you develop a strong connection and respect for the coast. Although we see less wildlife comapred to the summer, if you can appreciate the beauty of the forest and ocean, you’ll realize that every wildlife sighting is a bonus to the temperate old-growth forest. In the summer, whales and bears tend to be put on a pedestal. Over the years of guiding and forming connections with these animals, I have grown to feel for them and respect them deeply.

What is your favourite marine life?

My favourite island wildlife is the Pacific Salmon because this keystone species plays an essential role in maintaining the health and function of ecosystems.


Want to get out on the water with Dave? Book your next adventure with us!
